Articles about running a profitable and inclusive business
I write articles about building a thriving business that reflects all of your multi-layered identities.
2024 in Review
I prioritized quality time with friends and family, worked with a therapist, and finally got to see the northern lights. Going all in on my signature course paid off and I got to work with some amazing online business owners. Here’s what went well, what didn’t go so well, and what I’m looking forward to in 2025 — with lots of photos and graphs.
Step-by-step web design process to delight your clients
This is the process I use for all my $10,000 USD client projects. Whether you’re a web designer just starting out or looking to refine your existing process, this walkthrough will help you confidently manage your client projects without worrying about looking like you don’t know what you’re doing.
How to create profitable web design packages (with examples)
If your package description includes the words “5-page website,” you need to read this post. You’ll learn the step-by-step process for putting together and pricing profitable web design packages that are easy to sell.
Discovery call script for landing more web design projects
Most web designers get overly anxious about discovery calls and miss the opportunity to land a new client project. But you are not going to be one of them after reading this post and learning how to nail your sales calls and get more web design clients — step by step.
2023 in Review
We moved again, got married, and visited Finland for the first time. I took my online business offline and traveled through four different countries to meet my favorite internet people in real life. At least two years’ worth of life happened in 2023, and thankfully, most of it was good.
Quick Start Guide for Using Voxer
Voxer is my app of choice for exchanging text and voice messages with my mentorship clients. It’s straightforward to use as it is, but spending 60 seconds to customize your settings can improve your experience dramatically — so here are my best tips.
Candid Conversations About Global Inclusion
Most online businesses still overlook (or dismiss!) the needs of their international clients. But there are many inspiring leaders committed to building more inclusive communities, and I love talking to them about practical ways we can take better care of all our clients, no matter where they are in the world. Here are some of my favorite filter-free conversations about global inclusion.
3 Ways to Raise Your Website Design Prices
As a web designer, there are 2 main ways to make more money in your business. One, get more clients. Two, raise your prices. This video is about raising your prices — I’ll cover 3 things that you can do to charge more for website design.
2022 in Review
We moved countries, adopted a puppy, and finally got to travel again. For a while, I was worried that my business would take a hit because I didn’t put in as many hours as in the previous two years, but everything worked out okay (even though I made less money). Read on to find out what went well, what didn’t go so well, and what I’m looking forward to in 2023.
How to Charge $10k for Website Design
If you’re struggling to charge more for your work and sell more projects, you might be neglecting your client experience. I’ll help you review what it’s like for your clients to work with you, so you can decide what to improve in order to charge $10,000 USD (or more!) for a single website.
How to structure an effective case study for your web design portfolio
Case studies are a great way to get new clients, but they’re only effective if potential clients actually read them and then decide to work with you. Make this happen by telling a compelling story using my super simple 3-part case study structure.
How your brand story can help you stand out authentically
When it comes to standing out and getting name recognition, one of the biggest mistakes I see with freelancers and small business owners is that they don’t share stories about themselves. If you’re finding it hard to talk about yourself even though you know that storytelling is a powerful marketing tool, start here.
Whitewashed kimchi and cultural appropriation
How they fixed our gross food and made it trendy — why it’s not okay for people to use their white privilege to make money by commodifying other’s people’s food.
How to choose the perfect price (my super simple process)
As a service provider who is selling their time and expertise and skills and knowledge, all really intangible things, how do you decide how much to charge? This one’s for you if you’re asking, “What if I ask for too much and lose the project? What if I ask for too little and leave money on the table?”
5 types of calls for building trust with your clients
If you want your clients to think of you as a trusted adviser, a partner, a member of their team (instead of just another independent contractor they’ll never talk to again) you need to invest in building trust with your clients.
It’s okay if your website is ugly
Your website does not have to be this perfect, beautiful thing in order to convert and get you clients. But it does need to answer 3 questions that potential clients are asking when they’re on your website.
How the white savior complex hurts non-white business owners
Well meaning white entrepreneurs are doing harm to non-white students, clients, and peers with racist messages rooted in colonial history.
Danbee’s pain-free guide to working across time zones
Working across time zones isn’t always convenient, but following these best practices can help you create a smooth and easy experience for everyone.