Candid Conversations About Global Inclusion
Most online businesses still overlook (or dismiss!) the needs of their international clients. But there are many inspiring leaders committed to building more inclusive communities, and I love talking to them about practical ways we can take better care of all our clients, no matter where they are in the world. Here are some of my favorite filter-free conversations about global inclusion.
Talk Copy to Me with Erin Ollila
Globally Inclusive Websites with Danbee Shin
In Erin’s words:
“Learn about the importance of cultural sensitivity and the ethical considerations you should take when engaging with communities outside of your own, how design and images factor into inclusive practices, and why it’s important to constantly be improving as you grow and learn as a person and a business owner.”
Click here to read the show notes and transcript on Erin’s website.
The Profitable Web Designer Podcast with Shannon Mattern
Embracing Your Full Identity as a Web Designer with Danbee Shin
Shannon shared:
“3 lessons Danbee shared from her journey:
Create workflows to make processes as simple as possible for both you and your clients.
How to set your pricing – even when it feels like your work is too fun to charge for.
How to remain true to who you are and do what feels right for you in your business.”
Click here to read the show notes and transcript on Shannon’s website.
The Quiet Rebels® Podcast with Mai-kee Tsang
Building a Globally Inclusive Business with Danbee Shin
Mai-kee said:
“Join us as we speak about:
What is “Global Inclusion”, and what does it look like in our businesses?
How we can honour and infuse our multi-layered identities in our businesses
Best practices to start (or continue) becoming a more Globally Inclusive business owner”
Click here to read the show notes and transcript on Mai-kee’s website.
The Copy Dates Podcast with Megan Taylor
Global Inclusion in Online Business, Copywriting, and Beyond with Danbee Shin
In Megan’s words:
“If you’re an online business owner, it’s important to be aware of the fact that you are actively building a community alongside building a business. And if you truly want to show up and run a business in integrity and alignment with your values, we need to do our best to remain as inclusive as possible. We want everyone to feel valued and like they belong in our community.
Keep reading for some of Danbee and I’s top tips for implementing global inclusion in your business, as well as your copywriting.”
Click here to read the show notes and episode summary on Megan’s website.
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